Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Card Fiasco
So I tried to be proactive and order Christmas cards really early this year, but I made the mistake of sending a photo with slightly blurry Christmas lights. Well, time passed and they never showed up....and when I finally tracked them I found an email in my junk mail about how they had held the order b/c they thought the blurry lights were a mistake. So we lost a week or so to blurry lights...and other several days to the blur of life. Here's to hoping you get a chance to enjoy a few special moments this Christmas season. Below are a few of my new sweet holiday memories.
Merry Christmas!

Savoring every bite of my first Oreo

Decorating a gingerbread house

Finding special ornaments on the Christmas tree

Singing songs to Baby Jesus

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All Bundled Up